
Here is me, the lovely Kenna, ranting about my sisters!
Do you have any of my problems?
I hope not.



Hey! Farin Here! Today, I'm talking about my two sisters.
You may know them, McKenna and Faith. They did
something horrible today! They took pictures of me sleeping!
Courtesy of: McKenna Brooks!!!!

So, I did what any reasonable sister would do. I tackled them!
McKenna took a picture of that too. Figures. 
Courtesy of: McKenna Brooks!!
So yeah, I couldn't be happier with chilled corn on my face...
Faith says the same. Well, Bye! Bye World!!!! (McKenna!)




Kenna Here! Summer is finally here! I got to go to in n out!
Yummy! Guess who I saw there! My music teacher, Mr. Piano (I don't
think that's his real name)! He got animal style fries (he says he's vegetarian).
Ummmmmm... Well I'm just about to go to the mall. I might get some new
sandals! Yay!


Summer's Almost Here! Yay!

Hey! Faith Here!
Can you believe Summer's almost here?
What are you doing on the last day of school?
Me and my sisters are going to In' N Out'
with Kanani and Kit. Kenna's going to stay with
them for a few hours, while me and Farin go to
Allysa's pool party! Also, for my Summer, on
Tuesdays and Fridays, I have a schedule to 
keep to. In school, I plan to set the world record for
most signatures in my yearbook! On Wednesdays,
I have gymnastics. Ever since Coconut came, she 
wanted to play ball and go on walks, and she whines.
I always say "but we did this five minutes ago!"
and she walks away. Just turns her fuzzy little
bum and walks away. I just finished my taco,
and it was delicious! Well, I gotta go. Coconut
needs to use the little dog's patch outside.
Bye Ya'll!


Hello World! McKenna here!
Today, I'm gonna talk about.... *Drum Roll*
I know practically EVERYTHING about him.
First, let's start off with a pic of him!
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OMG! Isn't he just the cutest thing!
Ugh! He barely notices me! Except for that one time
when he called me on the phone. He asked if he could
use my composition book to study. Great right?!
Only, the unfortunate thing is that I thought it was
Faith trying to prank call me! So...
I hung up. Worst. Mistake. Ever.
Now, I feel like our "relationship"
is becoming thin!
Thanks a lot Faith *looks to Faith, who is eating a taco*.
Sometimes, I just want to wipe her reputational slate clean!
Ya know what I'm saying? Ya you do.
Well, I better get back to homework.